Things people say ...

I have to write about The Stan Erhart Band. These guys played the Peralta Adobe Plaza last night for the Shark's Game. They were absolutely amazing. Their vocals and style took me back to the times when music was truly great. Eric Clapton, Grateful Dead, TP & the HB's (Tom Petty and the Heart Breakers), and my personal favorite from the set list, Merle Haggard's "Okie From Muskogee". I cannot say enough about these guys.
- Michael Maida, Patron @
I wanted to thank you and your awesome band for making my Thursday night. Your renditions of "Freddie the Freeloader" and "So What" (Miles Davis tracks) were stellar. I sincerely hope you play Testarossa Winery again soon. Please pass along my praise to the rest of the band.
- Chris, Patron @ Testarossa Winery, Los Gatos
Stan has one of the finest voices in blues. And very skilled with the guitar.
- James Fox, Radio Host @ Love Is The Song We Sing
Soulful vocals ... Scalding guitar ...
- Peter "Blewzzman" Lauro, Blues Editor @
Stan Erhart has a great voice, and really knows how to use tone and voicing on guitar.
- John Orr, Daily News Arts and Entertainment Editor @ San Jose Mercury News
Stan has a great voice for a white guy!
- Dorothy Hill, Music Critic & Former TGGBS President
Included in the mixes was Stan Erhart, San Francisco singer/songwriter, on guitar. With his own solos, or backup guitar, he melted the crowd.
- Marilyn Stringer, Writer & Photographer @ Blues Blast Magazine
Stan Erhart and Nancy Wright put on one hell of a show Friday night at Deseo Tequila Lounge, and graciously let the Kenny Neal Band play a few songs.
- 'Westside' George Schoenstein, Co-Chair & Booker @ Redwood City PAL Blues Festival
Special mention to Stan Erhart's group that played at the Tequila bar after Kenny Neal tore it up on the square. Stan's show was truly incredible, and I was not the only one who thought so - judging from the reactions of the enthusiastic crowd.
- Bobbi Goodman, Photographer @ Redwood City PAL Blues Festival
Listeners will love its harmonious chorus and red-hot guitar solo. Everyone in the band (including Michael Warren on bass and Randy Hayes on drums) is batting at their best.
- Rainey Wetnight, CD Reviewer @ Blues Blast Magazine
Your Fog Fest gig was OUTSTANDING!!
We all had a great time during your set!
It was great to hear your wonderful playing yesterday!
We all had a great time during your set!
It was great to hear your wonderful playing yesterday!
- Listener comments @ Pacific Coast Fog Fest, Pacifica, CA
Ed and I just listened to your new recording. We love that soulful voice. Ya sound a lot like one of my favorite singers, Boz Scaggs. As we've always said - you're one of the Bay Area's BEST! Keep up the cool work!
- Kat Cairns, Vocalist & Band Leader @ Tattoo Blue, Austin, TX
I received your "Missing You" CD in good order. Like the sound. In a couple of hours the tracks "Close Down", "Let Me Down Easy", and "Serves Me Right To Suffer" are spinning on Triple R Roots radio.
- Peter Sollet, Triple R Roots Radio, The Netherlands
A quick note to let you know how much I enjoyed you and your group on Thursday at The Saloon (San Francisco, CA). I've also been enjoying your CD very much. :-)
- Peter Maddox, Sydney, Australia
What a great combination of artists! Thanks so much! You raised the bar last night!
- Michael, Friend & Bay Area Blues Fan
I listened to your CD. It's really good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be playing it tomorrow.
- Jim McKee, Sound Engineer @ JJ's Blues, Santa Clara, CA
Wanted to thank you for your new CD. Wow! This one is particularly good. I really like songs # 1, 5, and 6. The clarity of both you and Nancy is great!!
- Red, Friend & Bay Area Blues Fan
Damn, Stan!! I had never seen that side of you! This here trio you had on Friday was a power trio!! Great stuff. The songs built up and up, with that awesome rhythm section helping of course, and it just became euphoric. I love how you really step up with your playing. I imagine pulling off the trio bit could be difficult, but you, sir, did just fine. Great stuff. Hats off to Michael Warren and Artie "Stix" Chavez. Michael Warren is about as badass as they come on the bass. Artie's drummin' is just plain ol' timey. A unique style that's ... that's ... well ... just "Skippy". Real fine trio indeed.
- Maureen (Mo), Friend & Bay Area Blues Fan
This CD is perfect for late night cruising and listening.
- Celia, Bay Area Blues Fan
Now that Mr. Brown is no longer with us, Stan has taken on the mantle of HWMISB (Hardest Working Man In Show Business), and is out to prove it!
- Kaye, Bay Area Blues Fan
You make good music! Yeah!
- Marcel, Blues Fan
Stan put up a great performance!!
- Host @ Private Party
Thanks again for playing yesterday! You guys were awesome and totally exceeded expectations. Everyone really enjoyed the music. The volume level was perfect and the song choices/tempos were right on. The party would not have been the same without you guys! Perfect.
- Tom, Host @ Private Party
Hi Stan, I received your CD last week. It's a very fine and interesting CD. I'll give it as much airplay as possible in the future. Thank you for your support to my show.
- Belec Miran, Radio Host, Slovenia, Europe
I have listened to two of your songs, "Laundromat Blues" and "Down Don't Bother Me". I have liked them a lot ... very good the work of the guitar. I hope to receive a CD + book to be able to promote your music in my Radio Show "The AUTOBLUES". Thanks for your effort.
- JL "Longfingers", @ EL AUTOBLUES, FM 104.8 Radio Economia, Bizkaia, Spain